Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Narrow Internally - 3bc & Marax

"Narrow Internally" 3bc & Marax split/collaboration - 12.27.2011 - Muchausen Sound 31
3x file EP - Bandcamp

1. Sin Nombre 10:11 (3bc)
2. Blue and Black on Silk 17:33 (Marax)
3. Narrow Internally (Extended) 15:40 (3bc & Marax)

Total Length: 43:23

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Contact Compilation 5

"Contact Compilation 5" 12.10.2011 - HalTapes - 60x File Download - Bandcamp

I actually should have posted this sooner, but got behind a little.

01 Tree (USA) / Stirner (The Netherlands) - dato tambien
02 3bc (USA) & Travis Johnson (USA) - Please Stand By
03 Whitey Alabastard (USA) & Lezet (Serbia) - On The Learning Curve
04 Tree (USA) / Buzzsaw & The Shavings (USA) - Hurling Truncated Heligenbeil
05 M.Nomized (France) & Michael Cosma (USA) - Sleep
06 Flavien Gillié (Belgium) & To-Bo (Germany) - North Sea
07 Bedawang (Belgium) & Lezet (Serbia) - Tentacles
08 Der Domestizierte Mensch (Germany) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Toxic Spill [Reanimated]
09 Tony Stirner (The Netherlands) & Skullcaster (USA) - Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound
10 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) and Éric Maigret (France) - Restless Sleep
11 Damien Ark (USA) / Ethnomite Pux (UK) - 5 Dollar Blow Job
12 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) and Skullcaster (USA) - Hylozoic
13 Ars Sonor (Sweden) & Hypnoskull (Belgium) - Reverse
14 elizabeth Veldon (UK) & Dave Fuglewicz (USA) - A Song For Dave
15 Michael Cosma (USA) and Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) - Nice Broken Zither
16 Éric Maigret (France) & Òscar Hidalgo (Catalonia, Spain) - Orgue Mafumetus
17 frankie death (Australia) & Der Domestizierte Mensch (Germany) - Drunk Fuck
18 Usher (France) & Òscar Hidalgo (Catalonia, Spain) - singing in the brain
19 Flavien Gillié (Belgium) & Marax (USA) - Terrain Glissant
20 Professor Sonic (USA) and Lumen Kishkumen (USA) - pLAiSyRbEnDr
21 Rafael González (Spain) & Dave Fuglewicz (USA) - Georgia - Canary Islands
22 Damien Ark (USA) & James Bess (USA) - #
23 William Spivey (USA) & Hal McGee (USA) - Object 23
24 Painburn Painfire (Italy) & Paulo Chagas (Portugal) - Ahxalalah
25 The Implicit Order (USA) & Bulky Acronym (USA) - unemployed paranormal investigator
26 Rafael González (Spain) / Keaton Orsborn (USA) - dyadica
27 M.Nomized (France) & Vor Onus (USA) - Seven Bells
28 Nico Selen (The Netherlands) & Amok III (Italy) - barbotin 2
29 Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) & Whitey Alabastard (USA) - Bird2Nick
30 d0x10 (Finland) & Lumen Kishkumen (USA) - Psycho
31 The Implicit Order (USA) & Shades Wade (USA) - Mother To Son
32 Keahota Hota (USA) and Paulo Chagas (Portugal) - Walyb
33 3bc (USA) & Bulky Acronym (USA) - carnival thicket
34 Hari Hardman (UK) & Vor Onus (USA) - Bad Aura
35 James Bess (USA) & Ly-Teep (USA) - 333-333-333-Symph0nee (newt-Surges in-WY0MING)
36 BF Baker (USA) & Dan Reaves (USA) - an introduction to vague malfunctions in sound
37 Alessandro Cerratti (Italy) & BF Baker (USA) - qualcosa nell'aria
38 d0x10 (Finland) & Subversive Intentions (USA) - Chupicana
39 To-Bo (Germany) + Distant Trains (USA) - Ironically, Trains
40 Buzzsaw & The Shavings (USA) & William Spivey (USA) - Ludendorff's Echo Coloured Malabar
41 Post-Avantist (Kuwait) /Ethnomite Pux (UK) - The New Farexlee Dance On The IXI System
42 Gülce Özen Gürkan (Turkey) & Ewan Herv (Ireland) - womanifest
43 Kopfschmerztablette (DE), Abysmal Dirge (NZ), Hari Hardman (UK), and Deutsches Kulturgut (DE) - Nome De Voyage
44 Professor Sonic (USA) & Thee Uncondemning Monk (USA) - Echos of thee Warrior Planet
45 Durik the Temptress (USA) & One Minute Wanda (USA) - Misdemeanorsauce
46 kawol (Japan) & Hal McGee (USA) - Rose Orange Black
47 Coma Centauri (USA) & Subversive Intentions (USA) - That's why we needed Frank
48 Aural Resuscitation Unit (USA) & frankie death (Australia) - feel hive
49 33mhz (Belgium) & kawol (Japan) - the ear can't see her legs
50 Marax (USA) & Hopek Quirin (Germany) - Source
51 Travis Johnson (USA) & Hopek Quirin (Germany) - im gutse2 fir dropen
52 Thee Uncondemning Monk (USA) & The Man From Ultra (Scotland) - Snacks
53 Bedawang (Belgium) & The Jesus Fish Experience (USA) - Skyrimjob
54 Abortus Fever (USA) and Jef Der Dood (Belgium) - Paracusia
55 Abortus Fever (USA) and Kopfschmerztablette (Germany) - 301
56 The Man From Ultra (Scotland) vs Herv - Pedantic is a Girl Called Wednesday
57 Gülce Özen Gürkan (Turkey) & Post-Avantist (Kuwait) - animefst
58 elizabeth Veldon (UK) / Aural Resuscitation Unit (USA) - live buzz in slow motion
59 Shades Wade & halluciphile (USA) - Duncan's Broken Toy Chest
60 Painburn Painfire (Italy) & halluciphile (USA) - I am the body electricremix new

Collection Of 1 Minute Collaborations

"Collection Of 1 Minute Collaborations" 12.20.2011 - Muchausen Sound 30 - 19x File WAV

1. Gnashing Of Teeth
2. Perditions Folly
3. Anoesis  (w/ Ars Sonor)
4. Vermin Hierarchy  (w/ elizabeth Veldon)
5. To Gain Is To FX Send  (w/ Hal McGee)
6. Benzodiazepines  (w/ Bedawang)
7. Narrow Internally  (w/ 3bc)
8. Throat Drone
9. Terrain Glissant  (w/ Flavien Gillie)
10. Source  (w/ Hopek Quirin)
11. Singing Bowl  (w/ Flavien Gillie)
12. Henry Mancini Death March
13. Tunnelbana  (w/ Ars Sonor)
14. Thanks For Spamming Us About Your Spam Problems Eric
15. The Funhouse: Impaled By The Carousel Unicorn  (w/ The Implicit Order)
16. Opuscule  (w/ Abysmal Dirge)
17. The Spiraling Life Of A Pop Star  (w/ Travis Johnson)
18. Back And Forth (Multiple Databending Personality)  (w/ Coma Centauri)
19. Contact Compilation 1 in 60 Sec

Total Length: 19:00

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Napalm Death You Suffer Tribute Compilation

"Napalm Death (You Suffer) Tribute Compilation" 12.15.2011 - Sirona-Records [Siro275] - 100x file

36 Hourshifts - You Suffer (But Me)
Å - You Suffer (And You Like It)
A Rotten Bit - You Suffer (And The Game Is Over)
A1976C - You Suffer (Sickbrain)
Alex Charles - You Suffer (Lye High Street Dawning Fear Mix)
Ars Sonor - You Suffer (Loco)
Arseterror - You Suffer (I Know Why)
Automageddon - You Suffer (A Reason Why Remix)
Autosomal - You Suffer (In Your Imaginary World, Absolutely Not Linked With The Real One)
Awesome Bin Laden - You Suffer (Butt Wipe)
Bah, Tsar Jenny Troth - You Suffer (You, Suffer)
Bangkai Angsa - You Suffer (Njuk Ngopo)
Bavel - You Suffer (Cover) 
Bedawang - You Suffer (Dukkha Karma)
Beta - You Suffer (I Hope So)
Brian McParland - You Suffer (Unplugged)
Cocaine Wolf - You Suffer (From Latvia With Love)
Contraband - You Suffer (Trisectrix Of Daath)
Crude Assembly - You Suffer (Fools gladly)
Cybergenics. - You Suffer (But Why So Serious)
Dao De Noize - You Suffer (Dao Suffering)
Der Domestizierte Mensch - You Suffer (Endloses-Leid-Remix)
Deutsches Kulturgut - You Suffer (Underwaterlove mix)
Divine Shell - You Suffer (Because You're A Stupid Fuck)
DJ MO)))DARA - You Suffer (Napalm Death Cover)
DUGA-3 - You Suffer (ðÆÐï ÐüÐéÐÇð¦ð¦ð¦ðÁÐéðÁ)
Dust Cult - You suffer (33 12 RPM)
Fall the wall - You Suffer (Fall the Wall Remix)
False Flag - You Suffer (Dick Cheney)
Fatal Position - You Suffer (Cover)
Froze.Hatech. - You Suffer (Smashed Down Mix)
Gay Napalm Death - You Suffer (Butt Guys)
Gefilte Fist - You Suffer (Ohkaye)
Gymnastic Decomposition - You Suffer (Your Sinclair, But Why)
Hell Garbage - You Suffer (17 Times)
H-LR - You Suffer (Ein Somchin Al Haness)
HuruHara 696 - You Suffer (Kaos Remix by Harshziqr)
Hyaena Fierling Reich - You Suffer (No More)
Image Boosters - You Suffer (Napalm Death Cover)
Inanition - You Suffer (In Anonymity)
Individual Distortion - You Suffer (Because You Cheated On Me You Bitch)
Jason Kavanagh - You Suffer (And Yet You Still Persist)
Jef der Dood - You Suffer (Danceable)
Kai Nobuko - You Suffer (YoYo, You Hip Hop Napalm Sniffer Of Death)
Kopfschmerztablette - You Suffer (Death Nepalm)
Krang - You Suffer (Burst Violence)
Kroglor - You Suffer (Yeh)
Krokodil - You Suffer (Wololo)
Kustaasiitaakun - You Suffer (Cover)
Lackthrow - You Suffer (Because You Truly Care)
Let's Fight! - You Suffer (Even Though You Could Be Happy)
Lezet - You Suffer (Sungazer's Woe)
Lord CMH - You Suffer (Acapella)
Luca Sigurta - You Suffer (In Silence)
M.Nomized - You Suffer (flux tab mix)
Marax - You Suffer (Long Time Coming)
MARROW - You Suffer (reffuS uoY)
Matt Kiefer - You Suffer (In a Blank Room)
Misantronics - You Suffer (the Decency)
Mitä - You Suffer (Napalm Death live in the '80s edit)
Molestia Auricularum - You suffer (And So On)
Mutate - You Suffer (Original Lyrics)
My Terminal And The Trip - You Suffer (Cover)
Necrotic Goatslaughter - You Suffer (Napalm Death Cover)
Newton - You Suffer (Saturday Mourning mix)
O.S.I.S. - You Suffer (Even Longer Now Remix)
Oli Traylen - You Suffer (Poolparty)
Out of 20 - You Suffer (Fran Drescher)
Picadillo Genital - You suffer (Joe Super Song)
Plague Rages - You suffer (We Don´t Suffer. Do You Know Why)
Pollux - You Suffer (Vocal Drone Version)
Porion - You Suffer (Po Po Po) 
Problem Anderer Leute - You Suffer (Selfdestruction)
PROJEKT666SATANOISE - You Suffer (Tribute to Napalm Death)
Radu Kakarath - You Suffer (Extendoom Mix)
Ralph Brown Extratone - You Suffer (Extratone Rmxx)
Rectal Twat - You Suffer (Cover)
Repulsive Vision - You Suffer (24 Years of Suffering)
Rolna - You Suffer (In Your Thoughts)
Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt - You Suffer (Noise Bent Remix In A Silent Way)
Sete Star Sept - You Suffer (Version 1)
Sicx - You Suffer (In Sexual Intercourse)
Sighell - You Suffer (Suffer It Remix)
Simiapath - You Suffer (Billy)
Sleep of Ages - You Suffer (G.A.C.)
Stress Disorder - You Suffer (..But I Stay Fly)
Supercrabs - You Suffer (Cover)
T-Bone McFlargle - You Suffer (bow bow bow)
The Dan Haynes Experience - You Suffer (Pringles Can Remix)
The PanCake Mafia - You Suffer (Cheesydogcreamcat)
To-Bo - You Suffer (Napalm Macht Frei)
Toxic Chicken - You Suffer (Napalm Death Retarded Clown Cover)
TrashnoiseR - You Suffer (ed)
Tuliterä - You Suffer (Cover)
Verbalizer - You Suffer (Bastard Drone Deconstruction)
Vrendeferl - You Suffer (Napalm Death cover)
Word Or Object - You Suffer (Hopelessly)
Your Name - You Suffer (Until Death Separates Us)
Zeron Unit - You Suffer (Napalm Breath)

Total Length: (128:53)

You Suffer (Original): 

Napalm Death Website:

Sirona-Records Website:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Marax | Coma Centauri "Coerced To Pull The Trigger"

Marax | Coma Centauri "Coerced To Pull The Trigger" C60 - Worthless Recordings - 12.04.2011

A1. Emotionally Raw 5:39
A2. Plotting What's To Come 4:18
A3. Fingers Gripping Tight 2:58
A4. The Gun Speaks For Me 17:00

B1. Vie Clignotant Avant Une Observe/Euthanasia (RIP Dr. Kevorkian) 4:49
B2. 土蜂 2:22
B3. Right To Die 3:21
B4. I Have Officially Accomplished Nothing Except For Madness (For Eric) / One Nation Under Extreme Anxiety 3:03
B5. When Pushing Daisies Becomes An Art Form 2:36
B6. Memory Eraser (In The Form Of A Bullet) 4:02
B7. The Innocent Martyr 1:36

Total Length: 51:44

Demian Johnston
Dead Formats

So here it is. A test of my capacity to handle samples. The first side of this tape starts off with Marax doing some of the most interesting HNW I have heard in awhile. It's tough, twisted, scary and totally brutal. It's also peppered with a ton of samples. To say peppered might be an understatement. It's "peppered" the way an unfortunate convenience store clerk may be "peppered" with buckshot during a botched robbery. It's almost a radio play. Maybe it is actually. That would be kinda cool… but I just can't get into what I am hearing. If it was just the samples on one track and just the noise on the next I could totally get behind this but I just don't like it. I know some people will fucking love this though. I am like that dude who fucking loves peanut butter and kills for chocolate but throws up at the thought of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup (my old roommate and Rorschach guitarist, Keith Huckins is that guy). I love Marax's work and this seems pretty personal. It's all about suicide so I guess if you are going to make noise "about" something you can either just say it's about suicide, you can write lyrics and sing over the noise or you can have samples accompany it. I guess this is pretty effective and it's super well done but I just don't dig it. At the end of Marax's side you get a track that is almost free of any samples and it pretty much rules. I guess Marax is peanut butter to me. Coma Centauri's side also starts with some fucking killer HNW mixed with just enough stutter to keep in interesting. There is also some odd use of sampled loops that are not quite the same and the samples of people talking but are more along the lines of odd music and tape manipulations. It's pretty interesting and kinda gets into that electronic vibe. Like I almost imagine that this person could also be into dub step or something but it's damn crazy. There is no real narrative through this as there was on the Marax side so I am not sure how this is exactly about suicide either. The track titles mention Jack Kevorkian, having a right to die and being generally depressing so I guess that is it. There are some subtle samples here and there. They fit in pretty nicely with the noise in general but when I hear FDR's familiar voice it kinda looses me. Maybe I need a more open mind because I bet the average noise fan would fucking love this. Packaging looks nice. A little 90's in the type treatment but it's definitely solid. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Contact Compilation 9

"Contact Compilation 9" 12.01.2011 - HalTapes - Final Installment in the series
You can stream or download here:

01 B.Lone Engines (UK) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Richard Hammond [Delphinapterus Leucas Mix]
02 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) & Marax (USA) - Opuscule
03 Jason Kavanagh (Scotland) - what I shall attempt to show here
04 Dave Fuglewicz (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - New Commandments for the Molecular Age
05 Dog As Master (Hal McGee, USA, 1985) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - (Not So) Hard and Cruel - Lying Helplessly by the Seashore
06 Tree (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - tipping scales, unfortunate haze
07 Ars Sonor (Sweden) - MK-ULTRA [DSV Version]
08 Ars Sonor (Sweden) & The Implicit Order (USA) - Inception [CCP Version]
09 Arco Enarmonico (Spain) - Invocacion
10 Deutsches Kulturgut (Germany) & Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) - DK and Luke
11 Hari Hardman (UK) - Kaput Musick
12 To-Bo (Germany) - Kleine Ameise
13 The Soliton Project (UK) & Jason Kavanagh (Scotland) - (N) nR jawhole
14 Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) & d0x10 (Finland) - bor-us-kraakdoos-with-d0x10
15 Flavien Gillié (Belgium) - L'Agape Redira Ces Mots
16 Bedawang (Belgium) - They Live, We Sleep
17 Modulator ESP (UK) - Electronic Lament
18 Der Domestizierte Mensch (Germany) - Ich weiss nicht was das bedeutet
19 Ironing (USA) - What A Girl
20 To Die (Indonesia) - Depressi
21 Kopfschmerztablette (Germany) - Dark Prophet-1 min Daydream
22 M.Nomized (France) - Death Race
23 Zreen Toyz (France) - Below The Surface Of Things - Part 3
24 Serban Mircea-Constantin (Romania) - Old Improvisation on A Very Old AudioTape
25 Rafael González (Canarias, Spain) & Òscar Hidalgo (Catalonia, Spain) - ultraperiferia macarrónica
26 Michael Cosma (USA) & Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) - Blues Naked Nerve
27 thx1137 (France) - Tintamarre
28 Travis Johnson (USA) & Marax (USA) - The Spiraling Life Of A Pop Star
29 Individual Distortion (Indonesia) - That Awkward Moment When You Read Her Defensive Hypocrisy Status
30 Hal McGee (USA) & M.Nomized (France) - Dadatronic For Ray
31 William Spivey (USA) - Clown Soup
32 Seiei Jack (Japan) & Kopfschmerztablette (Germany) - Revilution
33 Coma Centauri (USA) & Marax (USA) - Back and Forth Multiple Databending Personality
34 ErocNet (Sweden) - Q2Wise
35 Hal McGee (USA) & Bedawang (Belgium) - My Forehead Is Getting Bigger And My Nose Fell Off
36 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) & Bedawang (Belgium) - Stuck In A Vortex
37 Ly-Teep (USA) - Dying-Fr0m the pain 0f living-In my brain
38 Stalaktos (Mexico) - Nitrammite
39 Jefferson Star Destroyer (USA) / Subversive Intentions (USA) - Feedback Is Unnecessary
40 3bc (USA) - Boost
41 Tim Kaiser (USA) / Emerson Orsborn (USA) - forming of the finite through decay
42 Òscar Hidalgo (Catalonia, Spain) - no en queda gens. adéu
43 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) - Broken
44 M.Nomized (France) & William Spivey (USA) - Cristal Drill
45 Pharmakustik (Germany) - Mononarcosis
46 Vziel Projet (Ukraine) - vrode
47 Whitey Alabastard (USA) & Subversive Intentions (USA) - Oh Butterfingers!
48 Serban Mircea-Constantin (Romania) & Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) - part 09 remixed 2
49 3bc (USA) & William Spivey (USA) - lost in a crowd
50 Péter Kecskés (Hungary) - Music for Emo-H
51 To-Bo (DE) & Der Domestizierte Mensch (DE) & Das Gonob Quasiforma (UA) & d0x10 (FI) - What A Shit
52 Jef Der Dood (Belgium) - Urartu
53 Koas (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Untitled
54 Lob Instagon (USA) & Robert Walthall (USA) - PROCELL 1iL Spectral Mix
55 Hobo Like Gnomix (Russia) & Hal McGee (USA) - Kraak Ho Hal Bo Bent
56 Bulky Acronym (USA) - forgive me lord for committing alchemy
57 b/art plantenga (The Netherlands) - Audio DJ Teknical Difficulties
58 Igloo Martian (USA) - Sleep
59 D.J Urinal Cake (Australia) & frankie death (Australia) - all become one
60 frankie death (Australia) - Stereo Out

Monday, November 28, 2011

Contact Compilation 8

"Contact Compilation 8" 11.28.2011 - HalTapes - Bandcamp download
You can stream and download here:

01 The Soliton Project (UK) & Jason Kavanagh (Scotland) - the ties of a common cause
02 Vziel Projet (Ukraine) - Trivial Track
03 Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Krakatau
04 Xtematic (Croatia) - Ss01
05 Òscar Hidalgo (Spain) & Dog As Master (Hal McGee, USA, 1986) - Showering The Dog "primer lladruc"
06 Skullcaster (USA) & Microwave Windows (USA) - cultures to exhume, an examination in order to debunk popular myths
07 Travis Johnson (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Tunnelbana
08 Travis Johnson (USA) & Half An Abortion (UK) - Deterministic Spurt (One Minute Mix)
09 Tree (USA) - cornbread porcupine
10 Ars Sonor (Sweden) & Jason Kavanagh (Scotland) - Thinking about Death
11 Bryan Baker (USA) & Amok III (Italy) - the ghosts of Bear River
12 violet (USA) - no working title 11.24.11
13 William Spivey (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Porcupine
14 M.Nomized (France) - Nostalgia
15 Seiei Jack (Japan) & Hal McGee (USA) - NAKAHAL
16 Vziel Projet (Ukraine) & RedSK (USA) - How To Become A Personality Without Feeling Oneself Stupid part 0
17 Plan Quinquenal (Argentina) - La mort de l´affection
18 3bc (USA) - Sir Barkelot
19 Noiztradamuz (Argentina) - presion
20 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) & 3bc (USA) - Failed Transmission
21 William Spivey (USA) & Zreen Toyz (France) - Hidden World
22 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) & Dave Fuglewicz (USA) - Casually Opaque
23 Post-Avantist (Kuwait) - Landing In Dimension Sixty Seven
24 The Implicit Order (USA) & William Spivey (USA) - Spivey Point
25 Ars Sonor (Sweden) & Marax (USA) - Tunnelbana
26 Whitey Alabastard (USA) - Abducted at the Theatre!
27 William Spivey (USA) - Cavern
28 The Implicit Order, 3bc, James Bess, Ars Sonor, Stirner, & Whitey Alabastard - Noise Orgy
29 Travis Johnson (USA) & Whitey Alabastard (USA) - Babhatr
30 Thee Uncondemning Monk (Australia) & Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) - Droplets in Quiddity
31 Hari Hardman (UK) - Vim Giiirders
32 Whitey Alabastard (USA) & Bulky Acronym (USA) - Accordion To Whom
33 Ars Sonor (Sweden) & Whitey Alabastard (USA) - Aggravation
34 Whitey Alabastard (USA) & Ars Sonor (Sweden) - Uncertainty
35 Bruce Hamilton (USA) - comm
36 Lumen Kishkumen (USA) & Nicholas Rejack (USA) - Dreadsnare
37 Vziel Projet (Ukraine) & Ooy (Japan) - How To Become A Master Of One's Thoughts and Feelings part 1
38 MC Trashpedal (USA) - Mayfly Wake
39 Post-Avantist (Kuwait) / Der Domestizierte Mensch (Germany) - I Ate My Claudia
40 Vziel Projet (Ukraine) & Tree (USA) - tropic madness
41 colonel XS (Europe) - Petit étude coupé
42 Instagon (USA) / Professor Sonic (USA) - Porta-Cell
43 Terry Childers (USA) - 50waystoloveyourlever
44 Wehwalt (France) - de l'ordre
45 Maquinaria Av. (Peru) - Aleatorio N°1
46 The Implicit Order (USA) - More Lies
47 kirchenkampf (USA) & The Implicit Order (USA) - apogee
48 Abysmal Dirge (New Zealand) / Tree (USA) - this is pleasant
49 3bc (USA) & The Implicit Order (USA) - Midnight Showing
50 Der Domestizierte Mensch (Germany) - The loneliness behind the noise
51 Marax (USA) - Thanks For Spamming Us About Your Spam Problems Eric
52 3bc (USA) & Stirner (The Netherlands) - We Interrupt This Program
53 The Implicit Order (USA) & Marax (USA) - The Funhouse Impaled by the Carousel Unicorn
54 Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) & Serban Mircea-Constantin (Romania) - Indian night vision
55 Coma Centauri (USA) & Hobo Liked Gnomix (Russia) - Other mechanica
56 To-Bo (Germany) - Showmaster
57 Zreen Toyz (France) - Radioactive Zone
58 Tree (USA) & Dave Fuglewicz (USA) - My Neon Gaze
59 Zreen Toyz (France) & Dave Fuglewicz (USA) - Coagula Phone
60 Post-Avantist (Kuwait) & Travis Johnson (USA) - Tronsel Lake, Louisiana Fishing Report

Total Length: 59:57